Recognizing Individuals and Organizations That Make Change Happen

Day in and day out, people across the United States and throughout the globe engage in actions that alter the course of our societal norms. Whether in business, politics, journalism, science, academia, or any other field, individuals with impeccable resolve take everyday risks to live their values and forge a path for new social standards. Many times, these individuals risk their reputation, they bear the brunt of criticism from those who benefit from the status quo. We believe these trailblazers deserve every ounce of credit and recognition, and this is our fan site to them!

Dan Price on couch Dan Price
CEO, Gravity Payments

Dan Price is widely known as the CEO who set his company’s starting pay at $70,000 per year after having an enlightening conversation with a friend of his. Learning that she and many of his own employees earn less than what they would need to live a quality life, Price decided to look at his company’s financials to see if it was possible to increase his employee’s wages. To do so, he needed to cut back his own pay. So, he did.

Dan Price on couch Girls Who Code

Girls Who Code is a nonprofit organization which aims to support and increase the number of women in computer science by equipping young women with the necessary computing skills to pursue 21st century opportunities. The organization works toward closing the gender employment difference in technology, and to change the image of what a programmer looks like. They host a seven-week Summer Immersion Program, a two-week specialized Campus Program, after school Clubs, and a New York Times best-selling Penguin 13-book series.